Americans should stop demonising the Iranian President

Click Here: – Americans should stop demonising the Iranian President

Former Nixon-Reagan aide Pat Buchanan, in his Creators Syndicate column, on hatred of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

WHAT is it about this tiny man that induces such irrationality? Answer: He is President of a nation that is a “state sponsor of terror”, that is seeking nuclear weapons and is moving munitions to the Taliban and insurgents in Iraq.  But Libya was a state sponsor of terror, and Muammar Gaddafi was responsible for Pan Am 103, the Lockerbie massacre of school kids coming home for Christmas. And George W. Bush secretly negotiated a renewal of relations in return for Gaddafi giving up his nuclear program and compensating the families of (Lockerbie’s) victims.

Richard Nixon went to Beijing to toast Mao Zedong, the greatest mass murderer in history, responsible for the deaths of 37,000 Americans in Korea who was, in 1972, persecuting and murdering dissidents in the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution run by his crazed wife and trans-shipping Russian weapons into Vietnam. And Nixon is today hailed as a statesman for having gone there…

Polish Children vs. Muslim Children

Click here: MediaMonitorsNetwork – Polish Children vs. Muslim Children

by Iftikhar Ahmad “Polish ambassador to the United Kingdom said that there are now so many Polish children in British schools that they should be taught Polish language, history and culture, so that they do not find themselves cut off from their cultural roots and enjoy the beauty of their literature and poetry. Many schools are recruiting Polish teachers as role models. Churches have started Sermons in Polish language so that the Polish people can feel at home.”John Reid, the ex-Home Secretary has predicted that more Catholic schools are needed due to influx of East European migrants.

…Muslim communities have started to arrive during the 50s, mainly from the sub-continent. They brought their cultures, languages and faith. They contributed for the British economy by paying all sorts of taxes. They built Masajid for offering prayers and community centers for the education of their young generations. Not a single politician ever thought and campaigned for state funded Muslim schools with bilingual Muslim teachers as role models. Instead, Muslim children are being discouraged to learn and speak their mother tongues even at home by the politicians. Even Imams are being forbidden to use Urdu in their sermons, inspite of the fact that majority of British Muslims are from Pakistan.

Why are we a nation obsessed with the headscarf?

Click here: –  Why are we a nation obsessed with the headscarf?

Virtually everyday, bureaucrats, pundits and even university rectors lash out against the proposed article in the proposed constitution to set the headscarf free. “This will be the end of the secular republic,” they passionately claim, without realizing that a secular republic that doesn’t respect the rights and liberties of its citizens is called a secular tyranny.

I have repeatedly said what I think about this prohibition on the headscarf: It is a violation of human rights, and it is a shame on our democracy. I also have made a suggestion to make things more fair if this ban is going to last: The citizens who wear the headscarf should pay less taxes. They obviously don’t get anything from Turkey’s education system, and they should not be required to take a share in its finance. If they are second-class citizens, why should they pay the same rates with the folks in the first class?

Sabra and Shatila: 25 Years on

Click here – Uruknet – Sabra and Shatila: 25 Years on

Sabra Shatila MassacreOn 17 September, 1982 , the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps near Beirut were the theatre of a horrible massacre, or series of massacres, carried out on Israel’s behalf by the Israeli-armed “Christian” Phalangist forces.

For close to 48 hours, the cannibalistic beasts scoured the camps, house by house and shack by shack, murdering and maiming and raping. Nobody knows the exact number of the victims, but according to various accounts, the number ranged between 2000 and 3500.

The utter Nazi-like nature of the atrocities was as numbing as it was conspicuous. Human corpses were in every corner, every street, every home, everywhere. Blackened bodies smelling of roasted flesh from the electricity shocks that had convulsed their bodies, with the electric cables still tied around their lifeless limbs. Body parts ripped from their small torsos scattered here and there. Women horribly raped, with their legs shamelessly ripped apart, even without a cover of clothing to preserve their dignity at the moment of death.